Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Back Up Your Google Calendar

Posted: 19 Jan 2011 03:40 AM PST

Compared to many other services, Google's servers are fairly stable. The programs on those servers can be buggy from time to time, leading many of us to seek ways to create offline backups of our emails, files and calendars. But, it is not easy to remember to run backups often, and these backups can be more time consuming than most of us want to undertake.

For the Google Calendar, a small program called Google Calendar Backup Utility automates the entire backup process.

logo After downloading and installing, click the ADD button to setup your Google Calendar account.

click add

In the window that opens, first give your calendar a name.


The next item on the list, the Google URL is a little trickier. You must login to your Google Calendar, then click Settings>Calendar Settings. Then click Calendars.

calendar settings 1

Click the name of the calendar you want to back up. In the new menu that opens, look for where it says Private address towards the bottom of the page. Click iCal and copy the URL that appears there.


Paste the address in the Google Calendar Backup Utility in the Google URL text entry box.

google url

Directly below the Google URL is the Backup Location. Click Browse to select a place on your computer where the program should save the backup files. Click save when you have finished.

backup location

Now, we must configure how we want the Backup Utility to work. Start by deciding whether or not you want the program to start when Windows starts. For true automated backups, select the box next to Run when Windows Starts.

run when windows starts

Towards the bottom of the Backup Utility, click the box next to Schedule Backup Every… and choose how often you want the utility to backup your account. For most people once every few days is probably sufficient.

schedule backup

Finally, click the Backup Now button to test your settings.

backup now

The Google Calendar Backup Utility works very well—it does exactly what it promises. The tool is available from Computer Geek.

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Online Tech Tips.
Aseem Kishore (digitalfingerprint: a59a56dce36427d83e23b501579944fcakmk1980 ( )

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Back Up Your Google Calendar

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