Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Customize Your Facebook Status

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 04:11 AM PDT

For most Facebook users, there is very little you can do with your status message other than post a quick message, link or video. What if you could customize your status with an extra button, such as Dislike, or add symbols to make your status stand out?

Learn a few of the tips and tricks available to customize your Facebook status and make it truly your own. Just a warning, your friends will be jealous. However, you don't have to share your secret if you don't want to.

Add A Dislike or Other Button

By default, your status has a Like button. With the app, Status Magic, you can add a second button. Many users have wanted a dislike button for ages. Now it's possible.  Simply allow Status Magic to access your profile, as with any Facebook app.

Enter your desired status in the Update Your Status box. Enter the text you want to show on your button in the Action Button box. Press Share to share your custom status message.

Status Magic

Schedule Status Updates

You don't have to be at your computer or have a phone in hand to update your status message. With Later Bro, you can schedule your updates in advance for both Facebook and Twitter.

This is great if you have an upcoming event, webinar or holiday coming up. You can be sure not to forget to update all your friends by scheduling your status now to appear later. The service is free and Later Bro never stores your password.

Later Bro

Show Emotion

Adding emoticons to Facebook statuses usually just results in the text version instead of a cute symbol or smiley. Luckily, you don't have to stick with :) when you want to smile at someone.

The method is still sort of basic, but you'll be able to do something most of your friends can't. Go to Facebook Symbols and copy the smiley you want to use. Paste it into your status update box and viola! you now have an actual smiley instead of plain text.

Another option is to use Status Symbols, which is an app on Facebook. You can use images, smileys or upload your own image. You create your status from the app itself, similar to Status Magic. It's quick and easy to use.

Status Symbols

Upside Down Statuses

This may not be especially useful, but it's fun. You can flip your status message upside down to have a little fun with your friends. You can even translate your status into Pirate if you want.

Type Upside Down is very simple to use. Enter your text, copy the inverted text and paste it as your status message.

Text Upside Down

You can also choose to use Upside Down Text or Talk Like a Pirate Day for pirate translations.

These are just a few of the cool things you can do with your Facebook status. A few may be useful, but the others are simply great ways to mess around with your friends.

Copyright © 2007
Online Tech Tips.
Aseem Kishore (digitalfingerprint: a59a56dce36427d83e23b501579944fcakmk1980 ( )

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Customize Your Facebook Status

Top 5 Free Sites to Learn to Type

Posted: 23 Mar 2011 05:55 AM PDT

As computer savvy as many people are, there are still millions who never take the time to learn how to type. Typing is one of the most basic, yet essential computer skills. Learning to type will help you perform tasks quicker, not to mention, your eyes will be on the screen more instead of focused on your hands.

You don't have to take an expensive class to learn to type. In fact, there are several great websites with typing programs. You learn at your own pace, whenever you have time. Some are presented as games, while others are more traditional. Either way, typing is a skill any computer user should take the time to learn.

Typing Web

One of the most professional sites I've found is Typing Web. Not only are there free lessons and games, you can print a Certificate of Accomplishment when you complete all the lessons.

As you go through each lesson, your stats are displayed near the top of the window. You can see how long it takes you to complete a certain session, your typing speed and accuracy per session and lesson. There are graphs and charts as well. Typing Web provides an environment perfect for adults and kids to learn typing skills.

Typing Web

Free Typing Game

This site focuses on making typing fun. Free Typing Game offers both games and lessons to help teach adults and kids the fundamentals of typing. The best part is you don't even realize you're learning to type. Even if you already know how to type, Free Typing Game is great for improving your skills, including accuracy and speed.


Type Online

This site is extremely simple. If you just want to learn to type without any fanfare, Type Online is perfect. You can learn typing safety to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, basic typing skills, number pad skills and even speed typing.

There are very few graphics, just simple to understand lessons. There are five levels of typing lessons. This is best for adults since kids may be put off by the rather plain design.


Learn 2 Type

Learn 2 Type is a great typing tutor. No matter what your skill set, the lessons adjust to your needs. Based on how you perform on certain tests, you are assigned certain lessons that help you learn without feeling overwhelmed.

Instead of you trying to figure out where to start, Learn 2 Type does it for you. There is also a special program just for kids. In addition, you can practice the number pad as well.

Learn 2 Type

Kiran's Typing Tutor 1.0

Unlike the other typing sites on this list, Kiran's Typing Tutor 1.0 must be downloaded. However, the program is completely free. The program offers more than 500 lessons. It also shows your accuracy, word per minute and key per minute at the end of each lesson. There is also a special section for kids ages 4 to 8. In addition, there are games to help making typing practice more fun.

There is no reason not to learn how to type with so many free sites and programs available. Many game and social networking sites such as Yahoo and Facebook provide free word and typing games to let you practice your skills whenever.

Copyright © 2007
Online Tech Tips.
Aseem Kishore (digitalfingerprint: a59a56dce36427d83e23b501579944fcakmk1980 ( )

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Top 5 Free Sites to Learn to Type

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