Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Make a PDF Resume the Easy Way

Posted: 03 May 2011 04:29 AM PDT

A good, solid resume is essential in any job search. However, most job seekers have a hard time figuring out what information to list on a resume, and an even harder time formatting all the information in an easy-to-read manner.

If you are stuck in making your resume and prefer to enter information in application style, question/answer format, is a quick way to generate such a resume.


Click Create CV to start entering your resume information.


Sign in with your favorite social network, or register the old fashioned way with a username and password.


Enter your contact information. You can enter as little or as much as you like—no fields are absolutely required. Notice the option to add a profile picture. This is definitely up to user preference, as many employers find this unprofessional, while others like the idea of seeing a picture of a potential employee. Click Next Tab when finished.


Enter your work experience. You can add more jobs by clicking Add Position at the bottom of the screen. Click Next Tab when finished.


Click Add School to enter your education information. To add more degrees, click Add School at the bottom of the page. Click Next Tab to continue.


The rest of the tabs are completely optional in any resume. You can enter languages and skills, as well as additional, non-categorized information. When you are satisfied with the information entered, click the red Download CV button on top right of the screen.


Choose the format you would like to use for your resume, then click Download CV next to it.


LinkedIn users can create a resume much faster than the steps above by clicking the Import button on the right and signing in with a LinkedIN account.


Resumes download in PDF format, ready to send to a potential employer. is designed to generate the longer, most complex resume style: a curriculum vitae. For this purpose, the site works great. But, if you are making a standard, 1-page resume, options are not available. You simply must limit the information entered in hopes of keeping it to one page.

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Make a PDF Resume the Easy Way

Two Easy Ways to Hide Your Email Address on a Web Site

Posted: 02 May 2011 05:45 AM PDT

For Web site owners and bloggers, spam bots are a real pain. These Web crawlers troll the Internet looking for unsuspecting email addresses. Spammers then use this information to bombard addresses with appendage enlargement advertisements and shady business opportunities.

If you are concerned with the amount of spam generated by placing your email addresses on your Web site or blog, yet still want your visitors to have a way to contact you, concealing your email address from non-human eyes is a must. Here are two easy ways:

Email Me!

email me

Email Me! creates a quick contact form that works with any Web site or blog, without the use of PHP.

Click the big red Get Your Button button.


Enter your name and email address, then click Get Code.


Copy the generated code, and paste it between the <body> tags on your Web site. Directions are available for WordPress and Blogger, too. A red button that says Email Me then appears on your site.


When visitors click the button, your page dims and a contact form appears. Email Me! forwards the message to your email address, never exposing the address to spam bots.




Emailerr turns your email address into an image that blends with the text on your Web site. Spam bots generally do not read text in images, so this conceals your address.

Enter your email address and click Advanced Options.


Choose the font color, size and background color for your image. Click Sumbit to download your image. You can then place the image anywhere on your Web site.


Either of these methods takes less than five minutes from start to installation, and even Web novices can use them easily. While concealing your email address will not eliminate all spam, it will reduce the amount in most cases.

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Two Easy Ways to Hide Your Email Address on a Web Site

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