Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Call Forwarding on Android

Posted: 06 May 2011 04:29 AM PDT

Most mobile phones allow you to set up call forwarding right from the phone, and Android powered devices are no different. Not only can you simply forward all calls to a different number, there are additional options on your Android phone that allow you to forward calls to a different number when you’re marked as [...]

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Call Forwarding on Android

Upload Photos from Picasa to Picasa Web Albums and Flickr

Posted: 05 May 2011 05:28 AM PDT

Picasa comes with simple tools that let you upload your personal photos to your online photo albums. Using these tools, you can upload multiple photos at once to popular websites like Picasa Web Albums and Flickr, either for backup purposes, your own private enjoyment or to share them with friends, family and coworkers. Upload to [...]

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Upload Photos from Picasa to Picasa Web Albums and Flickr

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