Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Create Auto-Rotating Wallpaper Collages with WallCast

Posted: 13 May 2011 04:54 AM PDT

Desktop wallpaper is one of the first things computer novices learn to customize. It gives our computers are more personal feel. But, even the most beautiful wallpaper becomes stale after a while. To prevent wallpaper boredom, software that rotates the wallpaper automatically is needed. WallCast is one such software, but with the added benefits of [...]

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Create Auto-Rotating Wallpaper Collages with WallCast

Enable or Block Specific Cookies in Internet Explorer

Posted: 12 May 2011 05:45 AM PDT

Unless you change your Internet Explorer settings, cookies meeting certain criteria are blocked automatically. You may have heard that it's safer to surf without accepting cookies. While blocking cookies may seem like a great idea, there are many sites that you can't use unless Internet Explorer accepts cookies. For instance, some banking sites require cookies [...]

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Enable or Block Specific Cookies in Internet Explorer

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