Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Fix Problems with Google Toolbar in Internet Explorer 9

Posted: 20 May 2011 04:26 AM PDT

If you’ve recently upgraded to Internet Explorer 9, you may experience problems with Google Toolbar. The toolbar may cause Internet Explorer to crash, or may be absent altogether. This usually happens because certain versions of the Google Toolbar are incompatible with Internet Explorer 9. This problem is simple to solve, and only takes a few [...]

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Fix Problems with Google Toolbar in Internet Explorer 9

Move the Reload, Stop, and Home Buttons on the Firefox 4 Toolbar

Posted: 19 May 2011 05:13 AM PDT

Firefox 4 added some evolutionary features to the web browser that are sure to delight and frustrate long-time users. One feature new to the browser is the placement of the Reload, Stop, and Home buttons. Rather than being next to one another, they are spread out among the other commands on the Navigation toolbar. Learn [...]

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Move the Reload, Stop, and Home Buttons on the Firefox 4 Toolbar

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