Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Record and Replay Mouse and Keyboard Actions

Posted: 07 Jun 2011 04:14 AM PDT

Many of our computer tasks are repetitive. We start our computers, open our browser, surf to a specific Web site, open our email client, usually all in the same way, every day. Other repetitive tasks, like resizing a stack of digital photos, become tiresome quickly. The best way to handle repetitive tasks is to take [...]

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Record and Replay Mouse and Keyboard Actions

Delete Duplicate Contact Entries in Gmail, Outlook and Mac the Easy Way

Posted: 06 Jun 2011 05:31 AM PDT

Overtime, we all amass a great number of contacts in our email address books. As our contacts gain or change email addresses, our contact list becomes cluttered with multiple entries from the same person. Finding and combining these entries is a task most of us avoid due to its time-sucking nature. Scrubly makes updating your [...]

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Delete Duplicate Contact Entries in Gmail, Outlook and Mac the Easy Way

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