Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Send Tweets and Monitor Twitter from Google Talk

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:26 AM PDT

Studies have shown that tweeting often—several times a day—is one of the best ways to keep and attract followers. Unfortunately, not all of us have time to log into Twitter's Web site several times a day to send tweets, much less monitor the feeds we are following. For this reason, serious Twitter users generally rely [...]

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Send Tweets and Monitor Twitter from Google Talk

How to Use the “Compare Documents” Option in Word 2010

Posted: 29 Jun 2011 05:20 AM PDT

One little used feature of Microsoft Word is Compare Documents, which is a shame, because it can come in really handy for most anyone that works on a lot of documents. Students especially should find this feature very useful because sometimes, people accidentally save documents under different names, and want to go back and use [...]

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How to Use the “Compare Documents” Option in Word 2010

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