Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Play Flash Games on iPad

Posted: 16 Jul 2011 04:18 AM PDT

Android fans love to brag about how their tablets work with Flash games, movies and Web sites. Their biggest rival, Apple's iPad, has many more available apps and several other great features, but non-Apple salesmen love to hit home this one point: iPad cannot load Flash. But, this point is not exactly true anymore. Sure, [...]

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Play Flash Games on iPad

Using Paste Special in OpenOffice Calc

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 05:42 AM PDT

There's more than just copy and paste in OpenOffice Calc. Often times, you find yourself needing to copy formulas or just the results of formulas. You may need to copy special formatting. When you choose to copy and then paste your data in another cell, you often end up with something completely different than you [...]

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Using Paste Special in OpenOffice Calc

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