Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Adobe Edge HTML5 Preview and Review

Posted: 03 Aug 2011 04:32 AM PDT

Adobe's newest product release is a HTML5 web animation software dubbed "Edge." For those familiar with Adobe as a company, Edge also happens to be the title of their free publication for web designers and web developers. The Edge software however, is intuitive and happens to be Adobe's initial move past flash. Adobe is currently [...]

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Adobe Edge HTML5 Preview and Review

Export Videos from iPhoto 11

Posted: 02 Aug 2011 05:01 AM PDT

iPhoto 11 has some pretty cool features, such as Fullscreen Mode and facial recognition, which makes it really nice to use over Picasa if you are running on a Mac.  However,there are some aspects of iPhoto 11 that might confuse you if you don’t understand how the software works. For example, in iPhoto 11, your [...]

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Export Videos from iPhoto 11

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