Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Unzip Files on iPad

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 04:48 AM PDT

While iPad can do many amazing and useful things, it does not play nice with all file types. Natively, it does not open Office files, nor does it open zip files. Most of us figured out quickly that the built-in email program will open Office files, zip files remain a mystery. Unzipping a file on [...]

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Unzip Files on iPad

Create and Use a Table of Contents In Word 2007 – 2010

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 05:54 AM PDT

For most of its history, Microsoft's flagship word processor has had a means for creating and using a table of contents automatically; and with each iteration, Microsoft has improved upon the prior version, which has led to a table of contents generator that after all this time, is finally easy to use. To see how [...]

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Create and Use a Table of Contents In Word 2007 – 2010

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