Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

5 iPhone 5 Rumors

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 04:31 AM PDT

More than a year has gone by since Apple released the iPhone 4. While fraught with initial problems like yellow spots on the screen and an antenna problem so widespread it was termed Antenna Gate, iPhone 4's retina screen and solid construction have made it a favorite among consumers. But the question remains—what can we [...]

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5 iPhone 5 Rumors

Filter Your Twitter Subscriptions and Facebook News Feed by Keyword

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 05:03 AM PDT

According to Facebook, their average user has 130 friends. By this statistic, most of us have more than 100 different comments or posts added to our news feed every day—and this is not even counting Twitter feeds. Finding the important posts in this sea of my-kid/pet-is-so-cute nonsense takes  more time than most of us would [...]

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Filter Your Twitter Subscriptions and Facebook News Feed by Keyword

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