Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Get iPad Textbooks for College the Easy Way

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 04:04 AM PDT

Many iPad owners have expressed some disappointment about the lack of textbook support in the iBooks Store. The iBooks application with the iBooks Store is Apple's own eBook service for iPad users, and although it doesn't have textbooks as of yet, you can still get the books you need for College quickly and easily. Here [...]

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Get iPad Textbooks for College the Easy Way

Control Your Facebook Privacy in Firefox

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 05:15 AM PDT

Facebook's privacy controls are notoriously dubious. Most users believe their posts and photos are only visible to their friends, but this simply is not true. And, even those users who have properly aligned their Facebook privacy controls can have their controls reset at any given time, with no notice, by Facebook. Firefox users can take [...]

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Control Your Facebook Privacy in Firefox

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