Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Activate GPS on Android

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 05:11 AM PDT

Location based services can become a large battery drain when left running in the background. That’s why Android offers specific controls for the GPS chip in every device. There are even custom widgets that allow you to turn on or off the GPS satellite location right from the home screen. In daily use, it’s good [...]

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Activate GPS on Android

Monitor and Analyze Your Child’s Facebook Activity Automatically

Posted: 31 Aug 2011 04:19 AM PDT

With the media's glaring attention on cyber-bullies, parents are becoming increasingly concerned about their children's Facebook activities. Parenting magazines and websites recommend friending your child, but this alone does not provide a clear picture of what is really happening on your child's Facebook account. Facebook monitoring services are starting to appear on the web. One [...]

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Monitor and Analyze Your Child’s Facebook Activity Automatically

Create an About Me Page and Profile the Easy Way

Posted: 30 Aug 2011 05:52 AM PDT

If you are wanting something a bit simpler than Facebook or MySpace, perhaps not a social network at all, but rather a place to create a more balanced profile for people to learn more about you, there is an awesome website for that. Whether you have a following or not, or are an entrepreneur that [...]

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Create an About Me Page and Profile the Easy Way

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