Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Turn Documents, PDFs, Pictures and Movies into Interactive Flip Books

Posted: 02 Sep 2011 04:02 AM PDT

Tablets and e-readers constantly try to simulate the reading experience of a printed book by making digital pages appear to flip when turned. So far, owners of these devices like the idea of digital-page turning, so much so that software developers are looking for ways to make other text-based materials into flippable pages. Page Flip-flap [...]

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Turn Documents, PDFs, Pictures and Movies into Interactive Flip Books

Encrypt Gmail, Facebook and other Text-Based Messages

Posted: 01 Sep 2011 05:54 AM PDT

Email, by nature, is not completely private. Servers store email indefinitely, and these accounts are some of the easiest to hack. Messages sent through Facebook seem even more vulnerable than email. Encrypting a message adds an extra layer of protection. can encrypt any text-based message, so long as the recipient has the password needed [...]

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Encrypt Gmail, Facebook and other Text-Based Messages

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