Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Plasma vs. LCD vs. LED

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 04:42 AM PDT

Whether you are purchasing your first flat screen television or have purchased a flat screen before, there are several points that you may want to take into consideration before making your next television purchase. All three technologies that have brought us ultra slim televisions, plasma, LCD, and LED, are constantly evolving and today's televisions have [...]

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Plasma vs. LCD vs. LED

Track Changes When Two or More People Work on the Same Word 2010 Document

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 05:22 AM PDT

Quite often, especially in a work environment, multiple people wind up working on the same Word  document, although not necessarily at the same time. While this makes sense because oftentimes a document needs input from several people, or its edited by more than one, such activity can make it difficult to keep track of who [...]

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Track Changes When Two or More People Work on the Same Word 2010 Document

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