Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Lossless Audio Formats

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 05:03 AM PDT

If you want to download, save, or convert audio or video to the highest quality, then choosing a lossless format is important. Both audio files and video files are available in countless different formats. Some formats are more common, such as MP3, and others you have probably never heard of. Learn more about lossless media [...]

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Lossless Audio Formats

Embed Your Head on Famous Movie Posters

Posted: 21 Sep 2011 04:15 AM PDT

Theme parks and other tourist magnets often have kiosks where customers pose in front of a green screen for a photograph. The photograph is then manipulated to morph the customers' heads with celebrities' bodies. These souvenirs cost around $20 and are good for a few laugh with friends. You can make these same photographs at [...]

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Embed Your Head on Famous Movie Posters

Move Your Facebook Photos to Picasa to Share with Google+

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 05:52 AM PDT

Facebook users have shared photos via the popular social networking service for several years. Many users have amassed a collection of hundreds of photos uploaded from their cellphones, computers and online file-sharing services. As Google+ gains popularity, Facebook users are concerned with how they are going to move all of their photos from Facebook to [...]

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Move Your Facebook Photos to Picasa to Share with Google+

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