Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Video Card/Graphics Card Specs Explained

Posted: 28 Sep 2011 05:05 AM PDT

Video cards/graphics cards are a commonly replaced component of desktop computers. Actually, memory, hard drives, and video cards are all commonly replaced components of desktop computers. However, RAM memory and hard drives are a bit easier to understand, while graphics cards are a bit more complex. With prices for video cards ranging from $20.00 to [...]

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Video Card/Graphics Card Specs Explained

Generate Secure Tab URLs for Your Facebook Page

Posted: 28 Sep 2011 04:01 AM PDT

As of October 1, every Facebook app must have both a secure canvas URL and a secure tab URL. Facebook is threatening to disable all apps, including tabs on Facebook pages, that do not provide the secure URLs. A security certificate, which is required for an HTTPS URL, can be very expensive and must be [...]

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Generate Secure Tab URLs for Your Facebook Page

Use DD-WRT to Hack a Wireless Router with Better Firmware

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 05:26 AM PDT

For the most part, wireless routers are a very simple networking component that you "set and forget." However, initial setup and customization of a router, and setting up advanced features periodically are something that many wireless routers aren't so good at, out of the box. This is one of the reasons that wireless routers tend [...]

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Use DD-WRT to Hack a Wireless Router with Better Firmware

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