Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Create a Follow Me on Google Plus, Twitter, or Facebook Button

Posted: 07 Oct 2011 05:13 AM PDT

Follow me on Twitter, Google +, and Facebook buttons are highly popular ways to gain a following on your favorite social networks. By creating a button, you can leverage traffic to your social accounts. In today's tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a button for Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, or any [...]

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Create a Follow Me on Google Plus, Twitter, or Facebook Button

Share Screenshots the Easy Way

Posted: 07 Oct 2011 04:04 AM PDT

Screenshots are, by far, the best way to show other people how to fix their computer problems. Step-by-step tutorials with picture demonstrations help even the least tech-savvy computer users. However, the best software for taking and sharing screenshots is expensive, and still requires us to attach the screenshots to an email or blog post to [...]

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Share Screenshots the Easy Way

Cheap Tablets 2011: Aakash Review

Posted: 06 Oct 2011 05:56 AM PDT

Amazon's Kindle Fire is one of the most hyped tablets on the market, but one of the main reasons why it is so newsworthy, is because it is cheap, retail price $199.00. As good of a price as that is, it still doesn't compete with a tablet coming out of India, dubbed the Aakash tablet, [...]

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Cheap Tablets 2011: Aakash Review

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