Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Reduce JPEG Load Time without Reducing Image Size or Quality

Posted: 18 Nov 2011 04:09 AM PST

To make a website load faster, one of the first things webmasters try is reducing image sizes. However, this often compromises the overall visual appeal of a website. JPEGmini has a solution: Instead of reducing the size of the image or the overall quality of the image, JPEGmini makes minor, unnoticeable changes to a JPEG [...]

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Reduce JPEG Load Time without Reducing Image Size or Quality

Email Photos, Text and Links to Yourself the Easy Way

Posted: 18 Nov 2011 03:45 AM PST

Before services like Dropbox and Box, most of us archived files we needed in multiple places by emailing them to ourselves. With Gmail's filtering system, we still email link and other information to ourselves to read or tackle later. This method creates a to-do list we must face every day when we check our email. [...]

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Email Photos, Text and Links to Yourself the Easy Way

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