Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Customize Folder Options in Windows 7

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 04:19 AM PST

With Windows 7, Microsoft has changed the ways that users can customize how their folders look and has provided more options for viewing files and folders than ever before; to see how you can customize your folder options, open Windows Explorer and then click on the Pictures folder that was created automatically for you when [...]

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Customize Folder Options in Windows 7

How to Use Windows 7′s Math Input Panel

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 03:02 AM PST

Of all the things to add as an accessory to Window's 7, the Math Input Panel (MIP) has got to be the geekiest; because it does nothing except allow a person to scrawl math equations using a mouse or e-pen. That's it. So, clearly this option isn't for everyone, but if you find yourself wanting [...]

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How to Use Windows 7′s Math Input Panel

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