Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Create and Use Basic Formulas in MS Excel 2010

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 04:08 AM PST

Oftentimes people avoid using certain programs because they figure the learning curve might be too long or the amount of time invested won't be worth the eventual payoff. Nowhere is this more apparent than Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheet program that comes with the Office suite of applications. Millions of people the world over have this [...]

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Create and Use Basic Formulas in MS Excel 2010

Find and Download Music for Free

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 03:26 AM PST

Finding free, downloadable music is becoming harder and harder as the record companies continue to attack our favorite sharing software. However, we have little need for file sharing software as most MP3s are readily available throughout the Web. Downloading them just requires a bit of creativity. is one such Web site using their creative [...]

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Find and Download Music for Free

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