Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

How to Do Simple Math Using Microsoft Excel 2010

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 04:32 AM PST

A lot of times people find themselves wanting to do some simple math and find that what they want to do is a little complicated for Windows Calculator, and then wonder if it might not be easier to do the job in Microsoft Excel. Unfortunately, since so many people rarely if ever use Excel, they [...]

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How to Do Simple Math Using Microsoft Excel 2010

Add Effects to Photos and Create Motivational Posters the Easy Way

Posted: 29 Nov 2011 03:54 AM PST

Facebook users love to post and ogle motivational and demotivational electronic posters. These posters once hung in classrooms and dentist offices, yet now grace nearly every Facebook user's wall. Cats seem to be the most popular source of motivation, often paired with a witty saying more funny to its creator than its reader. If you [...]

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Add Effects to Photos and Create Motivational Posters the Easy Way

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