Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

4 Most Wanted Tablet Operating System Hacks

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 04:34 AM PST

HP's ending of support for their Touchpad tablets has sparked some creativity for many hackers, mainly with operating system compatibilities. People want to run Mac on PC, people want to run PC on Mac, and now more and more people are wanting to run different operating systems on tablet computers. Here are 4 of the [...]

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4 Most Wanted Tablet Operating System Hacks

Stack and Schedule Twitter Tweets

Posted: 08 Dec 2011 03:16 AM PST

Twitter gurus suggest tweeting several times per day to keep your followers' attention. With a constant stream of tweets, the only way to stay at the top of the list is to have something new for followers to read. However, very few people have the time or stamina to sit behind a computer and tweet [...]

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Stack and Schedule Twitter Tweets

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