Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Share Converted Text-to-Speech with a QR Code

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 03:55 AM PST

QR codes are convenient for smartphone users because scanning the code directs the phone's browser to a specific website without the phone user having to type a URL. We see them everywhere now, from item descriptions in electronics stores to the back of ketchup bottles. A new way to use a QR file is to [...]

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Share Converted Text-to-Speech with a QR Code

Backup Documents in the Cloud Automatically

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 07:57 AM PST

Cloud backups are a trend that is here to stay—at least until something better develops. We can store everything on the Web now, from movies to music to iPhone data. While cloud backups give us peace of mind, many services require us to remember to back up file periodically. If you are forgetful or just [...]

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Backup Documents in the Cloud Automatically

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