Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Quickly Save and Store Files, Text and Photos in the Cloud

Posted: 26 Jan 2012 03:19 AM PST

When it comes to cloud storage, there seems to be two schools of thought—either you copy/paste text somewhere to access it later, or you upload files that can be downloaded later. Our favorite storage services are generally the ones where we store files in a familiar file folder structure, but we see the value in [...]

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Quickly Save and Store Files, Text and Photos in the Cloud

Share Copied Text Between Computers the Easy Way

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 06:10 AM PST

We love our mobile devices, be they phones or tablets. We surf the web, check our email and even work on them once in a while. As great as these devices are, they are not yet full computer replacements. When we need to copy text from a device, then share it with a computer, we [...]

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Share Copied Text Between Computers the Easy Way

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