Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Use Google’s What Do You Love to Get a Variety of Search Results

Posted: 24 May 2012 04:20 AM PDT

So most people are probably familiar with the basic Google search filtering options. From, you simply enter any search term and Google presents you with the web search results. However, these listings are also filterable by everything, images, maps, videos, news, shopping and more simply by using the sort options on the left side [...]

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Use Google’s What Do You Love to Get a Variety of Search Results

Leap Motion Review

Posted: 23 May 2012 06:48 AM PDT

The Leap Motion is a just released device that claims that it can effectively replace the keyboard and mouse on a  Mac or PC with a better, gesture based interface. Most Mac and PC devices don't have touch screens, but that's irrelevant because the Leap Motion device is very much, Xbox Kinect like. The Leap [...]

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Leap Motion Review

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