Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Share Web Links Between Chrome and iPhone

Posted: 10 May 2011 04:06 AM PDT

Sharing Web links between a home computer and iPhone is tricky. For the most part, we email links to ourselves from either iPhone or a computer, then open them on the opposite device as needed. This process is effective, but tedious. Push Browser offers an instantaneous way to share links between the Chrome browser and [...]

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Share Web Links Between Chrome and iPhone

Create an Interactive Slideshow Video of Your Web Site’s Latest Content

Posted: 09 May 2011 05:35 AM PDT

While interactive elements add appeal to any Web site, they usually take a great time investment to create. Videos take time to storyboard or script, and even the shortest slideshows take time to select photos and screenshots. Wibbitz is part video and part slideshow, but instead of taking hours to make, it works instantly. Even [...]

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Create an Interactive Slideshow Video of Your Web Site’s Latest Content

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