Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Narrate PowerPoint Presentations with a Web Cam Video

Posted: 11 May 2011 04:31 AM PDT

PowerPoint presentations both bore and entertain students and business professionals throughout the world. As the Web has become more social, making these presentations accessible and effective for an online audience has proven challenging. Narration is one way PowerPoint presentations become more effective in an online environment, but according to, if a narrator is not [...]

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Narrate PowerPoint Presentations with a Web Cam Video

Chat With Facebook Friends in Hotmail or Live Mail

Posted: 10 May 2011 05:32 AM PDT

In a few simple steps, start chatting with your Facebook friends right from your Hotmail or Windows Live Mail account. No need to log in to both. Login to check your email and chat with your friends all in one place. Several email clients, such as Yahoo, have built their messaging system into their email [...]

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Chat With Facebook Friends in Hotmail or Live Mail

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