Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Netflix vs. Hulu Plus vs. Amazon Instant Video vs. YouTube vs. iTunes Movie Store vs. Blockbuster On Demand–Part 2

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 04:52 AM PDT

Previously, we posted a helpful, information rich introduction to online video services and reviewed the features that Netflix offers. In part 2 of our series, we will review Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video to help you determine if one of these services is a good choice for you. Hulu Plus You may know of [...]

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Netflix vs. Hulu Plus vs. Amazon Instant Video vs. YouTube vs. iTunes Movie Store vs. Blockbuster On Demand–Part 2

How to Use a Lookup Table in Excel 2010

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 05:40 AM PDT

One of the most often cited areas of assistance requests to help-desk personnel regarding Microsoft Excel, is the VLOOKUP command. For some reason, people seem intimidated by it, and then rather than break it down into simple components, panic and reach for help. Things don’t have to go that way though, because if you look [...]

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How to Use a Lookup Table in Excel 2010

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