Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Netflix vs. Hulu Plus vs. Amazon Instant Video vs. YouTube vs. iTunes Movie Store vs. Blockbuster On Demand–Part 3

Posted: 23 Jun 2011 04:58 AM PDT

So far we have covered Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Amazon Instant Video. In part 3 of our review, we will finish comparing the major online movie and television providers, with: YouTube, iTunes Movie Store, and Blockbuster On Demand. While we have reviewed a quite diverse list of feature from the previous online video providers, the [...]

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Netflix vs. Hulu Plus vs. Amazon Instant Video vs. YouTube vs. iTunes Movie Store vs. Blockbuster On Demand–Part 3

Add the Facebook Like Button to Your Google Search Results

Posted: 22 Jun 2011 05:48 AM PDT

Google's recent addition of the +1 button has many social media lovers scratching their heads. Obviously, Google is trying to replicate the popularity of the Facebook like button, much in the same way they tried to compete in the social media arena last year with Buzz. Buzz failed to gain popularity, but the +1 button's [...]

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Add the Facebook Like Button to Your Google Search Results

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