Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Delete Multiple SMS Conversations

Posted: 09 Jul 2011 04:57 AM PDT

Text messaging on all modern smart phones are grouped by conversation, unlike the feature phone single message list style. This provides an easy way to keep track of all messages between you and a specific contact. Eventually, you’ll want to clear out some of these conversations as they can get large over time. Rather than [...]

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Delete Multiple SMS Conversations

Create and Use a Simple Database in Excel 2010

Posted: 08 Jul 2011 05:32 AM PDT

A lot of people use Microsoft Excel as a database because they don't want to learn how to use an actual database program, or because they don't want to spend the money; whatever the reason, using Excel 2010 as a database is something that can be done relatively easy, so long as you keep things [...]

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Create and Use a Simple Database in Excel 2010

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