Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Sync Your Flickr Photos with Facebook

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:23 AM PDT

There is no question that Flickr is a great place to store and share photos. Images look great with little compression, and Flickr even allows you to link a Creative Commons license to your photos, which can help you gain exposure as a photographer, if that is your goal. But, most of our friends are [...]

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Sync Your Flickr Photos with Facebook

Add Movie-Player Controls to Animated GIFs

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 05:19 AM PDT

Despite the many advances in media files, animated GIFs are still largely available throughout the Web. These small, moving picture files range widely from entertaining to annoying, but one thing is for sure—they have evolved very little since the late 1990s. offers at least one small evolution: movie-player controls for GIFs. On the [...]

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Add Movie-Player Controls to Animated GIFs

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