Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Track How Many People Open, Read and Delete Your Mass Emails

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:43 AM PDT

Mass email campaigns are used by nearly every company with an Internet presence. We receive at least 200 of these emails per day from bookstores, software developers, local grocery stores and even dating Web sites. Most of these mass emails end up in the trash folder without being opened. If you are using or considering [...]

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Track How Many People Open, Read and Delete Your Mass Emails

Turn off Windows Defender for all Users of Windows 7

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:06 AM PDT

Although Windows Defender is a default part of Microsoft's attempt to keep spyware and other unwanted software out of your PC, many people prefer to use a variety of free and commercial third-party applications for the same purpose. If you are an administrator of a PC and want to avoid conflicts between Defender and another [...]

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Turn off Windows Defender for all Users of Windows 7

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