Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Turn Your iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone Into a Remote Magic Trackpad (Mac or PC)

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 04:47 AM PDT

The built-in multi-touch trackpad on Macintosh laptops is one of Apple's better implementations, as it simply allows for easier, more convenient navigation in general. Aside from this, Apple's Magic Trackpad is a popular way to add multi-touch gestures for Mac desktop users and even allow for remote, distanced trackpad control on Mac laptops (Magic Trackpad [...]

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Turn Your iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone Into a Remote Magic Trackpad (Mac or PC)

Setup a Second Wireless Router on Your Home Network

Posted: 25 Jul 2011 05:23 AM PDT

We moved into our new house about a year ago and I was super excited because I had it all wired up with Cat 6 cable and Ethernet ports all over the place! Unforunately for me, I didn’t realize that all of those connections would be coming from one location and that happened to be [...]

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Setup a Second Wireless Router on Your Home Network

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