Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Sync Your Blog with Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

Posted: 27 Jul 2011 04:24 AM PDT

Bloggers often use Twitter to communicate with readers and announce new articles. Twitter's 200 million users enjoy the brevity of the 140-character tweet limit—communication occurs quickly, and they can decide which links they want to click by hashtags and headlines. Plus, for those who do no relish the brevity, software, like iPad's Flipboard, can display [...]

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Sync Your Blog with Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

Make Web Pages Easy-to-Read on Kindle and other E-Readers

Posted: 26 Jul 2011 05:16 AM PDT

Kindle's screen, while great for reading  books in broad daylight, lacks when it comes to reading articles on Web sites. Kindle's screen is 6-9 inches and only displays in black and white. Most Web sites display a full range of colors with complicated themes that just do not translate well on Kindle or any other [...]

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Make Web Pages Easy-to-Read on Kindle and other E-Readers

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