Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Create and Share an Infographic Resume

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 04:06 AM PDT

Despite political protestations otherwise, the global economy is not recovering quickly. Since nearly 10% of all people are unemployed, finding a job these days takes creativity and strategy. A standard resume can easily get lost in a stack of other look-alike resumes. Brazen Careerist, a Generation Y-centered career service, has released a new Facebook app [...]

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Create and Share an Infographic Resume

Search PDF Files in Windows 7

Posted: 08 Sep 2011 05:45 AM PDT

Yesterday, I wrote an article describing how to search inside files in Windows 7. By default, it's pretty easy to setup for text files, Word files and the like. However, if you want to search PDF files using Windows 7 search, it's not going to work right out of the box. In this article, I'm [...]

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Search PDF Files in Windows 7

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