Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Computer Tips From A Computer Guy

Back Up Your Google Accounts

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 04:49 AM PDT

Google's reliability is sometimes unpredictable. Bloggers report being banned from Adsense with no recourse or explanation. Google+ members who lie about their names or ages are reportedly banned from all Google account use, leaving them with no access to their contact lists, Picasa photos or Google Voice files. As with all other data, backing up [...]

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Back Up Your Google Accounts

Edit the Windows 7 Hosts File to Block Websites, Programs, and Applications

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 05:35 AM PDT

The Windows 7 Hosts file is a file that Windows uses to control and map IP addresses. By editing the Hosts file, Windows can be customized to block specific websites, and even protocols that are used by programs and applications. To get started editing the Windows 7 Hosts file, you first need to locate it. [...]

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Edit the Windows 7 Hosts File to Block Websites, Programs, and Applications

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